Saturday, September 29, 2012

So...I actually went to church this week.

I must confess, I am a non-practicing Catholic. 
I do not go to regular Sunday mass and I haven't for almost over 20 years now.

I don't look down on people who do regularly go to church or believe that actually going into that building makes them a good person. It only makes them a follower of a doctrine and tradition. 

I've known PLENTY of church going people who were close-minded, prejudiced, sexist, racist, judgmental, and just plain old fashioned mean.

But back to the story at hand, I actually did go to a repast mass for one of my boyfriend's relatives. It really was a nice sentiment to gather together in the memory of a lost loved one and most of the readings and things that were said (in readings, the homily, etc.) were all positive.

I was sitting (kneeling, standing) there thinking that it was kind of nice to be in the presence of something like this, positive and reinforcing...

Until a line in one of the readings caught my attention and almost made me angry.

The line was in a chorus response of "Lord Hear Our Prayer" went something like this:

"For the sanctity of marriage and the protection of human life at all stages, we pray to the Lord..."

Now anyone who can read between the lines and was ACTUALLY listening to that statement would see that the meaning of it was: "No gay marriage and no abortions". 

My boyfriend actually looked and laughed silently at me at that moment because I'm sure my face after hearing that statement was priceless. I am always complaining to him about the hypocrisy of Catholicism, I guess he just got a blatant example for once. 

Where most people get it wrong is where I say I believe in God but not in religion.
Religion was made up by humans (men) to keep the order and control over other humans.

God simply is everywhere and in everything. I don't need a building or a book to connect me to God. But then again, I don't judge the people who do. I just don't understand it, like they don't understand how I don't go to church or subscribe to all the dogma. 

A non-belief in religion does not make me an atheist. I wish people would stop claiming or treating me like I'm godless.

I guess we are afraid of what we cannot understand.

Well, some of us anyway.

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