Monday, June 4, 2012

This just occurred to me...

A lot of people who think that they are original or "unlike everyone else" seem to almost always share the opinions, tastes, and dislikes of people who also consider themselves " unlike everyone else" or "originals" in their life. Isn't that sort of hypocritical or counter productive to their lifestyle? Throughout my life I feel I have always been the one who shared the opposite taste or opinion of my "peers" or people I know. Almost no one agrees with my opinion or shares my taste in my circle of friends or peers. Occasionally we do meet on common ground, but it is rare. It's only now that I find myself thinking, "Am I really THAT goddamn strange? Are my opinions really that revolutionary?" After all isn't the definition of revolutionary a person who believes in a fundamental change in the way of thinking or visualizing something? Yeah according to the dictionary it is. So exactly how is aligning your opinions with those of your friends or common "alternative" knowledge revolutionary? It really isn't. You can't implant an idea in someone's head that is already there. Again, it is counter-productive and pointless. So all you fake revolutionaries do me a favor, absolutely love something (or a bunch of somethings if you are that brave) that a majority, if not all of your friends/peers, hate and think is completely stupid and deal with the mockery and bullshit that often follows and THEN call yourself an original thinker. Oh yeah and stand your ground about it too. Don't change the subject at hand or make fun of this object of seemingly undeserved affection. ( I have been guilty of this infraction in the past but I no longer care about feeling like shit at the hands/ dagger words of others.) Otherwise, you with your "rebel" clothes on, are just like everyone fucking else. Despite what you think you see in the mirror.

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