Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Networking is getting too complicated.

Now, I've never been a social person. In fact, I consider myself anti-social for the most part. I would much rather be involved with a piece of music, literature, or movie/TV show than socialize.

I am never one to go out of my way to attend parties or get that excited about them. I love the friends I have of course, but there are times that I will go for a while without speaking with them.

It's not that I am angry with them or anything like that, it's just I don't feel the need to converse with them every single day in order to feel close to them. But I have been known to write an extremely long heartfelt email or letter to friends if I feel that something is bothering me or if I really REALLY need to tell them something. I think it comes from this deep seeded thing where I feel like I am bothering someone if I speak to them. And maybe a little bit a fear of rejection. I don't consider myself cool. Period.

Social Networking is a happy medium between these two extremes. I like to type and use the written word as a form of communication so posting on a website for an audience of people I know seems like a good thing for me. So I've had/have them all... it started with myspace, then with friendster, then with facebook, then with Twitter, and now with Google +. Some formats have of course fallen to the wayside because of rendering themselves irrelevant or just being plain ol' boring!

So, I log onto my Facebook this morning and it looks like someone has vomited all over my homepage. There's some ticker BS on the side of the page that is telling me stuff I either already know or don't have any interest in knowing. It actually gives me a headache. It sucks because I really do like Facebook, when I'm feeling social, most of my friends are on there. I hope they do something to simplify it for dummies like me. Or, I hope everyone goes over to Google + and leaves FB like the desert in an old western: deserted and with tumbleweed drifting by.

Sidenote: For a non-social person though, I am having a party for Halloween/My birthday this year. But Halloween is a holiday for freaks to be themselves, so I'm not sure if that really counts...

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